Staff Access

Basic Needs
Key Disaster Relief Agency- American Red Cross 1-800-564-1234 or www.redcross.org/get-help. Available resources include emotional support, disaster recovery, and guides to taking care of your emotional health (in various languages).
- Picking Up the Pieces After a Fire- Red Cross
- American Red Cross Disaster Services - MGH Community News, 10/09
- Shelter- if the survivor has no friends or family able to provide shelter, the Red Cross can put them up for 1-2 nights at a hotel. Unfortunately they cannot provide ongoing shelter. This service is meant to serve as a bridge while survivors marshal other resources or access other assistance.
- After the Fire- FEMA
- What to do after you’ve been a victim of a house fire from the Merrimack Valley Regional Network to End Homelessness Blog. Excerpts:
- Contact the landlord or property manager. Find out who the insurance adjustor is for the property. If repairs need to be made before you can move back in, try to find out how long it will take the landlord to complete necessary repairs. The City will have to inspect the living space before you will be allowed to move back in.
- Depending upon when the fire occurred, you may be eligible to get a return on the rent you paid for that month. You might also be able to get your security deposit returned if you are not going to be able to move back into the apartment.
- You may be eligible to receive up to $750 in relocation benefits through the landlord’s insurance company. The $750 can be used towards a down payment on a new apartment. It can also be used to reimburse you for out-of-pocket expenses for food, clothes, and other expenses you incurred due to the fire. If you have a lease, you must discuss terminating the lease with your landlord or an attorney.
- Live in Boston? The Boston Office of Housing Stability may help you learn and exercise your rights. Contact: Boston Office of Housing Stability call 617-635-4200, Monday through Friday from 8 am - 5 pm or email rentalhousing@boston.gov.
- Also see- our Shelter page
Mental Health
Benefits and Consumer Protection
Disaster planning for the disabled
Preparing for Emergencies - Red Cross (scroll down)